Saturday, November 23, 2013

Red Chair

It has been a pretty and long fall.  Last week, the wind came and blew all the leaves off the trees, but not before I snapped this shot.  Seems like a good spot for a daydream.

Another enjoyable element of this fall has been the creaky presence of the Sand Hill Cranes.  Many a time I've had 4 or 5 wandering around my yard and even past the red chair.  We have had more of them than I've seen in a long time (flocks of up to 50 gathering) and they stayed until a few days ago.  I guess that means that winter is truly here.

This has been an unusual year for me. Somehow, I've been busy all the time, but don't have anything to show for it.  Except maybe this picture and some motorcycle video that I need to edit.  It is hard to believe that in earlier years I had the time to post in this blog on a weekly basis.

Many folks think of spring as a hopeful season.  For me, that's fall.  I like to combine the cool weather and quiet with a combination of reflection and daydreaming a new future.  It's past time, so I better get at it.

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