Some mornings, the fog is warm and practically massless here in Northern California. When I go for my morning walk, my face and hair get damp on the front side, but the sides and back stay nice and dry.
OK, I've been in California, north bay to be specific, for a little more than a week now and here are a few ways that I know I'm in California.
- Millions of drivers that act like they are sleepwalking.
- A Sunday afternoon traffic jam (see above).
- A sign in the eastern San Joaquin valley, not near anything at all, "Vacant Land, 40 acres plus or minus, $250,000 per acre"
- A middle aged couple, both women, holding hands while shopping in a grocery store in a small town far from San Francisco.
- A small town middle school with its own skate park, half pipe, ramps, and rails, all in concrete.
- Walking in Armstrong Redwood Forest and hearing a sound from the general area of a tree ahead. Arriving at the tree, finding a middle age women sitting and meditating inside the tree in a space between the roots. We nicknamed her the "ommmm lady."
Dan in Armstrong Forest.
Redwood Elephant
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