Everything always changes. You would think I would get used to that after all these years, but it keeps on surprising me. For example, this old Palm Pilot that I use for finding phone numbers. Boy is that out of date. Time to clean out a few old phone numbers too.
Recently, we had a reorganization at work and that means training a new boss and giving up one of the cars that I've worked on since conception (Dodge Journey). On the plus side, it means working again with K. Kaumeheiwa. We worked well together on Pacifica and will have a good time on this new project too. Still, it takes time to realign your thinking and get used to the new way things are going to be.
I guess all the changes got me thinking on a personal level. K and I are at the beginning of a new car concept. That means it will be a while before it gets into production. By the time it gets into production, I'll be pretty near Social Security age (62). Wow. By then, Medicare won't kick in until your 70, so I'll probably have time to work on one more new car after that before it makes sense to retire. It's hard to believe that I've only got 2 more cars in me. Time sure flies when you are having fun.
Note to others who have retired at 55. You are probably lucky dogs all, but I'm still enjoying working life, so I'm not complaining.
At the same time that I was changing my personal profile at work to list my new boss, I took a look at my emergency contacts. My father had been my main emergency contact for most of my working life. He is still doing OK, but he is no longer in a position to come running to my rescue, so it was time to change that. My sister was elevated to the number one emergency contact and she now has responsibility for just about the whole family. I also had to take my old friend Bob off the contact list, elevating my now responsible niece.
As I said, nothing stays the same. I'm just happy to be healthy, aware of the days passing, and enjoying them one by one.
Jac, It's good that you still enjoy the work and can look forward to new projects. You are very fortunate. I visited the old place a month or so back and while it was fun to see some of the people again, and I do miss getting to drive cool cars I could never otherwise afford to drive, I don't miss the actual work in the slightest.
ReplyDeleteAnd some things stay the same. I was looking forward to the new car I will be working on with a new rear suspension (and quite the challenge it presented), but today, it was pretty much decided to put the same style suspension I've been working on for pretty much my entire career into the back of the new car. Oh well, at least it is a different type of vehicle, which will certainly challenge me.