John Deikis is a new friend with many of the same interests as me. Among those are British cars, especially old ones, motorcycles, and a mild taste for adventure. Maybe I should say that my taste for adventure is mild, but John may be addicted. Today we send him off on the 2011 Rallye to Reno where men in old cars travel across the country on Highway 50, known as the "loneliest highway". John is doing this in his old MG TD named 'Morris' and doing it to promote a charity, CURE Childhood Cancer. Now that's adventure.
Just an aside, it's a worthy charity that is worth supporting. If you can, please donate through the portal on John's website.
Meanwhile, John has been working all hours trying to get ready, but you never know what you are going to get. After a flawless 200 mile check ride, this morning he blew a fuse on his fuel pump and had to jumper the pump to get home.
You can follow John's trip on the kidscure blog above and possibly on his johns folly website shown in the picture.
I like the pic below. It kind of gives you that 1950's view of the car factory look. Note the little trailer attached to the TD. John is thinking he will pull into WalMart in the little towns and sleep in the trailer. Me, I'm thinking a bed and a shower sound good.
Good Luck John. We know you have everything under control, but good luck anyway.
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